

Teo, Stephen. “Confucian Orientalism and Western Outlook in Martial Arts Film,” Journal of Chinese Film Studies 1, no. 1 (2021): 65-82.


This part explains the definition of Confucian Orientalism, gives a brief description of the tradition of self-orientalism in the Asian cinema, and points out that the films directed by Kurosawa Akira have made great contributions to the re-modeling of Orientalism in a wider Eastern (or East Asian) context.

The xiayi meng exemplifies the heroic principle of action and this is perhaps the one principle that crisscrosses East and West. There may be different interpretations of history from the Eastern and the Western viewpoints, but the heroic principle binds both viewpoints. Heroes in both the cinemas of the East and the West are compelled to act, to defend themselves and to resort to violence, due to crises, or perhaps due to heroic opportunities that present themselves in moments of crises. Here, I would like to refer to Zhang Yimou’s The Great Wall (2016) in dissembling the topic of Eastern and Western outlooks in the genre. This is a US-China coproduction which combines wuxia with the Hollywood-style monster picture—effectively, this combination looks back to the early tradition of shenguai wuxia and is therefore redolent of the early movement of Orientalism in Chinese cinema. Because the film is a coproduction between China and Hollywood, it presents a convergence of Eastern and Western outlooks and interests around the theme of sameness.


Abstract: This paper discusses the martial arts genre with reference to the films of the Japanese master Kurosawa Akira and the Chinese director Zhang Yimou, discussing how both directors converge in their themes and styles through the concept of “Eastern Orientalism.” Such Orientalism is based on Confucian precepts of zhengming (rectification of names), chaos theory, and the defense of the people undertaken by militaristic but heroic individual protagonists (samurai or xia). In raising the issue of Orientalism, the paper probes into the Western perceptions of the genre and the imperative of directors like Kurosawa and Zhang in pandering to Western tastes. However, these same directors seem equally preoccupied with fostering a sense of self and nationalistic expression in their response to and treatment of Orientalized content. The paper concludes with a discussion on The Great Wall (2016) as a comparative review of the Western and Eastern viewpoints at play in the US-China co-production. Here the analysis revolves around the issue of sameness, dramatized as a main theme in the film.

Arif Dirlik表示,在過去,“東方主義者(Orientalism)”主要被視為是“殖民者對亞洲地區社會的觀點”,且其囊括的覆蓋範圍也應包含“亞洲地區人對於亞洲地區社會的觀點”,用作解釋亞洲地區社會發生的自我東方主義者(self-orientalism)的態勢,該態勢也將成為東方主義者發展史的關鍵重要組成部分。

There is quite a long tradition of self-Orientalism in the Asian cinema. Since our topic is the martial arts genre, we may refer to the beginnings of the genre in the late 1920s in the Chinese film industry then centered in Shanghai as the start of the Eastern Orientalist tradition in Chinese cinema. This is exemplified by The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple, a film serial that ran from 1928 to 1931 and captured the imaginations of the public of that time. The name of Wuxia was popularized in that period.

Journal of Chinese Film Studies立足於中國,面向國際,旨在搭建世界級國際學術科學研究網絡平臺,刊登海內外高水平的中國影片科研成果,強化相同文化背景的科學研究者之間的對話和溝通交流,促進海內外影片科學研究界積極開展交流與戰略合作,推動中國影片科學研究的全球經濟發展。想與海內外著名歷史學者一同深入探討中國影片嗎?趕緊行動投稿吧!


Stephen Teo:Confucian Orientalism and Western Outlook in Martial Arts Film

Journal of Chinese Film Studies Volume 1, Issue 1

Keywords: orientalism, martial arts film, Confucian precepts


3. About the Author

請點擊上方鏈接通往 Confucian Orientalism and Western Outlook in Martial Arts Film

Confucian Precepts in Eastern Orientalism


2. A Glimpse of the Article




In general, the philosophical and aesthetic norms and characteristics of martial arts films in East Asian cinemas are an underexplored part of the genre’s conventions.



Stepehen Teo


What Confucian precepts are shown in Kurosawa’s and Chinese directors’ creations? What are the similarities and differences between samurai and xia in different directors’ works? What are the differences between the perceptions of easterners and westerners towards those Confucian precepts? These are the questions that will be discussed in this part.




The Heroic Principle

To Cite This Article

This part goes on to deliver brief analytical discussions of some philosophical foundations in Chinese martial arts films, to suggest how interpretations may differ from Western and Eastern viewpoints. Additionally, this part refers to a cluster of films, including both classics and recent releases, drawing on their philosophical foundations and perspectives regarding martial arts and motivic principles for action. An idea is pointed out that the Western reception of the genre is an important factor in the genre’s development.

張長興(Stephen Teo),副教授,科學研究應用領域包含澳門影片、亞洲地區影片,主要關注影片類別方法論、影片史、影片編劇、影片人文、國家影片等主題,同時還進行影片方法論的現代文學和聽覺方面的科學研究。著有《香港电影:另外的维度》、《王家卫》、《胡金铨的<侠女>》、《动作片导演:杜琪峰与香港动作片》、《中国武侠电影:武侠传统》等專著,並在知名影片學術期刊、書刊上刊登過數篇該文。除此之外,他還具備多樣的影片實踐經驗,曾在澳門和韓國的國際影片節(山形國際記錄片影片節)出任策劃人。

Confucian Orientalism



1. Abstract

Arif Dirlik points out that “orientalism has been used almost exclusively to describe the attitudes of Europeans towards Asian societies”, but he also considers that the term should “be extended to Asian views of Asia, to account for tendencies of self-orientalization which would become an integral part of the history of orientalism” (Dirlik 1996,104).

本節闡釋儒家思想東方主義者(Confucian Orientalism)這一概念,簡述亞洲地區影片自我東方主義者的發展史,並表示黑澤明的電影經典作品對於東方主義者的重塑作出了關鍵重大貢獻。

The Activation of Eastern Orientalism

[email protected]


Associate Professor Stephen Teo has extensive work experience as editor and film programmer in international film festivals in Hong Kong and Japan (the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival). He has done significant research work in the field of the Hong Kong cinema, and his research areas include other Asian cinemas, revolving around subjects of genre theory, film history, auteur studies, cultural studies, national cinema, and investigations into the literary and visual aspects of film theory. He is the author of Hong Kong Cinema: The Extra Dimensions, Wong Kar-wai, King Hu's A Touch of Zen, Director in Action: Johnnie To and the Hong Kong Action Film,The Chinese Martial Arts Cinema: The Wuxia Tradition. He has published numerous articles in reputed film journals, and contributed many book chapters.





文章標簽   長城 王家衛 中國武俠電影:武俠傳統 中國電影研究 動作片導演:杜琪峰與香港動作片 胡金銓的<俠女> 香港電影:另外的維度 火燒紅蓮寺