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用戶 Orville羅倫佐的油 Lorenzo's Oil 的評價.

4 years ago
不曾想過,電影居然會離現實那麼近!手邊就是一瓶沒有被開啟的Lorenzo`s oil...有些心酸。
3 years ago
It is a sicking feeling after watching this film. There is probably much more than what is told in this movie about the oil industry, US auto company and their dark hands in the po...
4 years ago
節奏略慢,但片子很美,音樂很美,Tilda和抖森很美。片子各種冷幽默各種小吐槽。結尾甚至略無厘頭。無數次讓觀眾會心一笑。最喜歡的一句臺詞“Have the water wars started?" "No, they are still all about oil." 真是精闢。ps,片子裡抖森各種露,handporn,拉小提前彈吉他扮醫生,各位請備好紙巾。
4 years ago
堆砌將近十個gallery talk實在有點多,而且涉及其他部門太少了,三個小時太長。但就像片頭他們自己說的一樣,不管怎樣National Gallery本身擺在那裡所以拍出來也不會差到哪裡去。感覺只是日常而沒有拍出英國和National Gallery的特點挺可惜的。在房頂抗議Shell開採石油No Oil Painting的也太傻了吧。